organization that uses data to evaluate our operational efficiency and program outcomes. We are re-engineering our business processes while encouraging our workforce to be curious, creative, and driven by results. In 2018, we continued to increase internal capacities for assessing, evaluating, and continuously improving our programs, while at the same time expanding the external research partnerships that help inform key program and policy decision-making. ADDRESSING SOCIAL AND RACIAL EQUITY While a rising economic tide has benefited King County at large, its impact has been uneven. Historic and systemic inequities impact the quality of life, health, housing, education, financial status, and future prospects for many of our region’s residents. KCHA is a safety net for many of the individuals and families other systems have failed. It is critical that we understand both as an organization and as individuals how these inequities, explicit and implicit, work. KCHA spent its day-long, annual all-staff meeting on issues related to equity and inclusion, offered training to staff in recognizing implicit bias, and is working to embed principles of equity in every aspect of our agency’s work. 20 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Music in the Plaza at Greenbridge.